Cherchez la “Farm”
March 30, 2008 5:26 pmYesterday, Kevin and I took a walk around the montagnette where we live – it was a magnificent warm sunny Spring day – and we noticed lots of people with plastic bags, their bodies hunched over, their eyes glued to the ground. What were they looking for this time? We had seen this same behavior several months ago, and discovered they were scouring for wild mushrooms. That season is long past, so now it had to be something else. As we approached a couple with yet another plastic bag, we said, “Bonjour, messieur-dame” (which is what you say as you pass a couple), and I found my curiosity peaked enough to ask, “Qu’est-ce que vous cherchez, s’il vous plait?” The reply, “Des asperges. Mais c’est le fin de la saison.” Wild asparagus! And in our own backyard, so to speak. But I think the gratuitous bit of added wisdom was to try to put us off hunting for our own supply. Nice try …
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Categories: Environment, Hiking